Archive for category Linux

Installing Debian NVIDIA graphics cards

It is, another 'How to …’ and again on the nVidia graphics, the difference is that this works perfectly for me (not both Debian and Ubuntu do not).

The first recommendation is to visit the site download the drivers NVIDIA, choose the model of the card, OS (in my case 32-bit Linux) e a linguagem. A option 2 não works for Linux. Click DOWNLOAD, copy the link address that is on the button AGREE & DOWNLOAD (something like

Open a terminal and type su to pass the root.

Type apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r).

Type cd /usr/src to prompt the birds to this directory.

Type ln -s linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux to create the symbolic link.

Type wget and click the right mouse button to paste the link you copied the page from NVIDIA (will stand as wget

Type /etc/init.d/gdm stop this will stop gdm and passes to the terminal. From this point it is appropriate to have this article printed, it will be without a graphical environment.

Now that is in a terminal prompt enter cd /usr/src.

Then launch the installation script by typing NVIDIA sh

The installer asks you to start to accept the license agreement.

Answer NO the question about downloading the kernel from the NVIDIA.

Click OK to compile a new kernel.

Click NO at the message '… abort now’.

Let the installer and select continue Yes to allow automatic update of your xorg.conf by nvidia-xconfig.

Click OK and when the installer finishes, will stay again in the terminal prompt, then enter startx to start your X server again.

Now you can modify the resolution and other advanced settings for the graphics card by NVIDIA X Server Settings utility that is in the System Tools menu (System Tools).

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ASCII to UTF-8 Converter

ASC2UTF8 is a small utility to convert some special characters from ASCII to UTF-8.

ASC 2 UTF-8 Converter

In preparing, with some frequency, texts to include in php scripts, came the need to write this utility in Gambas2.

When working with two or more languages ​​to echo in HTML environments, write special characters can be an interesting challenge. Using a META tag <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> and a conversion table for UTF-8 can be a good solution (resulted at least with me). The utility ASC2UTF8 only converts some special characters, those who actually need to convert me faziam. The code-fonte can be easily changed to other special characters.

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Como instalar o OpenOffice 3.1 Debian does not 5.0 Lenny

For the Debian Lenny defeito outlined in OpenOffice 2.6.4, But OpenOffice 3.1 was released, to install, just simply follow these steps:

  • Add the repository backports, as root edit / etc / apt / sources.list and add the line deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free
  • Open a console (como root)
  • Instale o ‘Debian backports keyring’ typing apt-get install debian-backports-keyring
  • Update the package list by typing apt-get update
  • Por fim instale o apt-get -t lenny-backports install

And ready, is made. O 3.1 is installed and ready to use, digite ‘’ console or use the menu 'Applications'.
